Monday 12 October 2015

Understanding Dedicated Server Hosting

Most of us are aware of several types of web hosting solutions that exist, but what most of us are not aware of is which one will serve our purpose best. Among all types of server hosting, dedicated server hosting turns out to be much powerful in comparison to its likes. A dedicated server is one where there is only one computer in a network which is reserved to serve the needs of the network. In simple words, it means that the machine belongs to you but the server is maintained by a hosting company. It is an adaptable solution that allows us to determine the components like operating system, hardware and other resources on the server. Therefore, one needs to be sure that the provider is offering full customer service, maintenance and round the clock monitoring of your server.

You might be wondering what makes dedicated server hosting better than others? So, here are its advantages that users get:

1)      Speed

Since no other machine shares the server or the components with your machine, there is a remarkable increase in the speed. If speed is one of your basic needs, then going for this hosting would be a great option.

2)      Flexibility

You get a vast flexibility while adding POP3 accounts and FTP accounts without any extra charge. It reduces the cost per website reasonably if you are using a large number of domains or websites.

Some other advantages of dedicated server hosting are:

           Substantial flexibility of hardware/software configuration
           Gives the advantage of full usage of dedicated IP server
           Complete control is allowed over the software and hardware of your server
           Better Security as only your machine is connected to the server

If your need is exceptional web services for your site, then you should opt for dedicated server hosting as it comes with a thorough shell ingress that can be used to configure the server. Another major reason is that with this hosting, a secure e-commerce transaction can take place using SSC certification which is required to accept credit card.

But the major question is when do we need dedicated server hosting?

Since the complete server is used for a single site only, this type of hosting might feel like an expensive option for beginners. The case when a site experiences heavy traffic or if the site expects critical application or hosting of multiple sites, this would fulfil your need best. Due to this, large firms often pick this as their hosting solution as its investment turns out to be negligible when compared to the returns.


  1. Thanks for sharing the article with us. Such a piece of informative information. To get Dedicated Server Hosting please visit the link

  2. Great Article! I really enjoyed reading this fabulous article,everything is well written by you. After reading this article I can properly understand about Dedicated Server Hosting. I decided to shift my hosting server from shared hosting to Dedicated Server Columbus. I think it is very helpful for my business.


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