Wednesday 29 June 2016

Know the Pros and Cons of Dedicated Servers

Internet is driving the world! You can find that plenty of business owners are inclining towards selling their products and providing the services through internet so as to serve their customers suitably by earning higher profits. Well! When it comes to online business, a server is an important aspect that cannot be overlooked. A server is a computer program or a device that enables the programs and devices to perform better and efficiently so as to carry out the operational processes of the business in a hassle free and timely manner. A single server can serve multiple clients and thus, it can be connected to many devices to accomplish the given task suitably. If it is about starting up a business website, then it becomes an essential task to choose a unique and effective hosting plan that is embedded with outstanding capacities and features and can provide great support to your business. One of the most common and popularly used servers is known as “Dedicated server”. Presently, plenty of business owners prefer dedicated server hosting for the reason that it can handle a huge amount of traffic and provide them with better accessibility and uptime. Moreover, based on the needs of the company and its requirements, hosting services are chosen by business owners not because of present needs but also for safeguarding the future of an organization.

It is proved that a dedicated server provides limitless bandwidth and disk space and also, its processor power, disk space, memory and other system resources cannot be shared, thus, its pace will not slow down because of the traffic from other websites. Additionally, a dedicated server also empowers you to control the information and media that are accessed, stored or shared through the portal. Since the user only can access the server, there is high degree of security provided by it. With this server, you can get a unique IP address that ensures better privacy and security, which indeed offers protection from malware and adware. Well! Every coin has two faces and so is the dedicated server. Along with so many pros, there are certain cons too that can ruin the functioning of your business. One of the major disadvantages of this server is that it is the most costly and more complicated server that can at times create hassles for the user. Setting up, maintaining and repairing of dedicated servers is a tough task which requires plenty of efforts and money. Thus, before opting for this hosting server, it is better to go through its reviews from those who already used them for their business.  

In order to establish a dedicated server and manage a website that is hosted on it, one should be well versed with the comprehensive knowledge and skills about IP routing, server mechanism, MX records and many others. Additionally, if you are not aware of these terms then, you will have to hire a dedicated server administrator who can manage the server in the best possible manner. Well! This server does not crash generally, but when it does, it is very difficult to fix it and restore running.

Cons of dedicated server hosting:
1.       Is more expensive than other shared servers
2.      You will have to administer the server time to time and therefore, prior knowledge (or outsourcing the job) is needed
3.      Fixing the problem and crashes is more difficult
Thus, before opting for any dedicated hosting server, you should think about all its advantages and disadvantages so as to avoid complications and problems in an organization. RackBank is a leading IT company that is solely dedicated for providing unmatched dedicated servers to their potential clients. They understand the importance of having an efficient server in a business that can make its functioning easier and trouble free and thus, put all their efforts to satisfy their clients to the fullest.

Tuesday 15 March 2016

Why A Growing E-Commerce Website Needs A Dedicated Server?

For an e-commerce startup, the first and foremost thing is to have a server. To create an ideal business with high volume of e-commerce transactions, the servers that brings a lot of ease are dedicated servers.
At first, a business must have all its processes on a single computer system and you may be satisfied. When you see business expansion, it increases the website traffic and makes the companies to invest in dedicated server. This server acts as a hosting service or managed hosting service in which customer leases a complete server which is not shared with anyone else on the internet.

Benefits Of A Managed Dedicated Server

In spite of being relatively high priced, dedicated hosting service provides the benefits of better connectivity, security, storage, cost effective and control. It is used by almost all types of business and it is beneficial for websites that receive a huge volume of traffic. If you maintain your own server, then it is a costly affair. Hence it is better to have managed hosting for your business. These servers are fully secured and are not shared with any other companies. You can make your own choice and customize tools that are dedicated to your own website and applications. 

·         Huge Storage Space

An advantage with data center is that you have an ultimate storage option available at your E-Commerce dedicated server. It shares huge amount of data transfer and a strong CPU with an ample supply of RAM to keep your business running. Plus, an additional benefit too with the possibility of expanding your business on the same server without affecting the operations.

·         Smooth Network Connection

Managed server gives you a great network connection without any outside interference. It is very good in handling traffic, server uptime and reliability of your network and gives you all the space to track it down. They are very also good in creating considerable traffic for customers who use web browsers and web-based communication.

·         High Security

Dedicated servers save you from various cyber attacks and provides a high level of security. It gives you more control over your business. Managed servers helps you to recover your data during any server crash. In this way, managed servers bring a high level of performance at the same time benefiting from greater computer capacity.

·         Cost Effectiveness 

Managed dedicated services offers better flexibility, speed and multiple websites gain better performance. You are benefited more on this server than being on shared server. It gives you an opportunity to procure server resources even when your website traffic increases or follower count grows. 

·         Flexibility

Dedicated e-commerce server provides flexibility of customizing the server to the clients’ unique needs for CPU, disk space, software and RAM. In shared hosting, customers are limited to the applications, software and operating environment which is already loaded on the server. It allows an organization a customizable server environment and  they can make their own choice in platform and software which they required for business. 

If you are new to the world of e-commerce hosting, list down the requirements of your company, then search out a dedicated server hosting plan. Managed dedicated server is one of the best option to maintain the amount of site traffic which attracts the clients. It is also costlier than the shared server but provides more reliability, speed and security.

Thursday 3 December 2015

Dedicated Server Hosting v/s Shared Server Hosting: Know the Difference

Web hosting is the basic requirement for any business to have a fair multi-marketing strategy, even if it’s not completely online-based. When it comes to your online presence, it becomes essential how you want to prioritize your expansion plans. Your expansion plans decide what infrastructure you’ll need.

Unfortunately, not many start-ups entrepreneurs today have deep insights when it comes to taking a call on infra requirements. One of the topmost important decisions involves picking the kind of hosting. The two basic models available commercially are – Dedicated server hosting and Shared server hosting.

As a transition from one model to another may have disruptive impacts of seamless business operations, it is important to think well ahead of time so that you face no problems in later stages.
Let’s see what the major differences are in these two models of hosting so you can easily choose one over the other:

1.     Sites Hosted on the Server
Most of us may know but it’s good to reiterate this primary difference between the two. In a shared hosting package, there are other sites that are hosted on the server along with your website while in a dedicated hosting plan, it’s yours and only yours website on the server. No physical sharing at all!

2.     Security
More than anything else, security is one aspect many companies are thoughtful of when it comes to putting the valuable data on cloud. Practically seeing, either of the hosting is nothing but putting your data on a cloud based environment. In case of shared hosting it is the hosting company that installs firewalls and server security applications and programs. When it comes to dedicated servers, you are the boss. You have all the rights to install whatever you want to, double assured of your data security. No wonder, there is definitely more concerns of data security when it comes to shared resources compared to dedicated server.

3.     Costs 
The other major difference that could affect decision making is the cost involved. Naturally, with all the resources in your hand, dedicated servers come at significantly higher costs. In a shared hosting, server resources are shared among several users, the operating costs are thus lower as they get shared.

4.     Blacklisting Of Website
A very important point here which many of you might not now! In case of shared services, you run a considerable risk of your side being blacklisted by search engines because some other side on the server your sharing has been engaging illegal internet practices such as spamming may get the entire IP address blacklisted. When it comes to dedicated server, the risk of blacklisting is solely dependent on how your site is operating and not others’.

5.     Server Performance and Response Time
It’s very common to see in shared hosting environment that due to high peak traffic at some hours of the day, the server could experience overall drain of resources leading to high response time to your site. A high traffic on one of the sites sharing the server could choke the bandwidth leading to slow response time and slow loading time. In case of dedicated servers, you sit on the saddle of resources!

No wonder a dedicated server offers more control than shared hosting model, you need to equally make sure that you have the resources and manpower to have an effective utilization of this control. Also, the kind of hosting you may want to choose will depend on your budget, server requirements and website needs. The decision has to be well thought through!

Monday 30 November 2015

How to Choose Best Dedicated Server Host in India

Whether it is a startup or an already existing established company, choosing or changing web hosting services is a big decision. It becomes even complex if you are going for dedicated server. The process to assess the dedicated servers is way different compared to a shared hosting.
To start with, there are a number of web hosting companies available in India and spread across the spectrum: some are reliable, some are costly, and some are reliable and cost effective.
But as we got to start somewhere, let’s look at things that matter the most when it comes to picking a dedicated server host:
1.       Impregnable Security
Internet security is the most important element of hosting and of course for operations of dedicated servers. Websites dealing with high amount of traffic and a lot of sensitive personal data such as credit card numbers, SSN numbers, phone and demographic details attract online attacks to proportional magnitudes. Precaution being the best cure, website need to have robust firewall settings to ensure customers could leverage greater security levels within the server usage itself, which a dedicated server promises by default.

2.       Resources, all dedicated
The word “dedicated” itself means all yours! There are countless reasons to add to the essence of resource advantages that you get when you use a dedicated server. Today, most of the data center service providers equip you with features in a dedicated server environment to manage your server resources all by yourself. You can utilize the server resources according to your business needs.
3.       Flexible & Customizable
Flexibility is something that comes naturally when you own the resources. This is what dedicated servers promise. Dedicated servers are highly flexible in terms of what business critical applications you want to run, how you would want to organize the memory resources to ensure you get the maximum benefit of the price you pay. It’s like getting advantage of every penny you spend!
4.       Power supply, uninterrupted
Dedicated servers are the boss when it comes to hosting privileges. Dedicated servers are coupled with redundant power feeds backed by world-class UPS systems and diesel generators to ensure your business critical needs get seamless power connection 24x7. If your service provider doesn’t guarantee you till now then you got to think, because, a server without efficient power system to back is like having a rocket without fuel. To sky rocket your business performance, dedicated servers make sure you get seamless power supply!
5.       Seamless support
No product is promising without a robust support system. Most of the dedicated server providers promise SLAs with 99.95% uptime and a guaranteed resolution to most of your issues within a 4-hour window. Typical support functionality comprises of human support via phone and email, available 24x7. Needless to mention, data services market has matured with a highly efficient system of L1, L2, and L3 network and system engineers, using state-of-the-art Monitoring & Management and CRM Systems.

A dedicated server is a model prepared to serve only one company. Known to be highly reliable, secure and faster, these servers are fairly common with huge sites and high user traffic. With most of the controls in your hand, one is guaranteed to have stable high performance in this model. It is highly recommended for the giants or those who are aspiring to be the giants in the internet industry in India. After all, it’s all about consistent high performance in this highly competitive environment.
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